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Please Note: All requested demographic data is collected and stored in accordance with Australian Privacy legislation. Demographic data is collected for de-identified research purposes only and to ensure the ongoing fairness of assessments. No demographic data beyond your name is shared with potential employers. No data is shared with 3rd parties outside of the immediate requirement to complete the required assessments. We understand that your privacy is important. After completing the assessment and recruitment process you can request deletion of your data through the "forget me" process within the system. We recommend that you wait until completion of the recruitment process before you make this request.
Important Notice:
Please Note: Testgrid collects demographic information about participants for research purposes. Specifically, the data is only accessed in a de-identified format (which means that anonymity is secured), to be used for research studies to ensure the validity of the assessments we provide. The organisations that use these assessments do not have access to the information relating to an applicant's age.